Best Herbs to Grow Indoors
There’s nothing that adds a burst of flavor to food than freshly grown herbs. They are a much healthier option compared to other chemically induced spices.
Unfortunately, purchasing these herbs can cost you more than you are willing to pay. Moreover, most of these herbs dry out or go bad before you ever get to completely utilize them.
So why not grow your own herbs at the comfort of your home? Growing fresh herbs indoors will not only save you money but will help you get the most in terms of freshness and flavor. If you want to know how to grow herbs at home, I will demonstrate to you the tools you will need.
All you need is a small herb garden indoor (or improvise with pots), good soil and voila, you have fresh herbs!
So what are the best herbs you can grow indoors? Try any of these 7 great ideas…
1. Thyme
The versatility and flavor thyme gives makes it one of the most perfect indoor herbs. Mostly used in marinade sauces, salads, lemonades, and several other dishes, this herb is relatively easy to grow indoors.
Thyme needs a good amount of full sunlight to grow. You can grow this herb in a small pot and place it on the windowsill. Always ensure it is in a warm and bright place. Thyme thrives in an average temperature of 50°F – 80°F.
Because thyme is drought resistant, water it regularly without overdoing it. Allow the soil to dry up in between. The soil must have a low porosity meaning it must drain quickly and must it be well aerated.
Always pick the amount of thyme you need for that time to avoid wasting. Once the leaves start to become weak and brittle, replace the herb.
2. Rosemary
Don’t you just love how the scent of rosemary fills up the entire house? Rosemary is definitely one of the best indoor herbs because you can use it in a variety of dishes. Some of these are soup, dipping sauce, rice, chicken, potatoes, etc.
Growing rosemary requires care to avoid ending up with dry or dead leaves. Rosemary requires plenty of sunlight and regulated watering to grow. A pot of homegrown rosemary is one of those window herbs that need at least 6-8 hours of sunlight to blossom. Watering must never be too little or too much.
Rosemary is susceptible to powdery mildew. It must be positioned at a place with proper air circulation such as near an open window with direct sunlight. You can also fan it for a few hours to reduce humidity.
3. Basil
Other than its uses in dishes like salads and stews, basil is also known for its medicinal value. Basil is effective in treating conditions such as constipation and diarrhea. Basil is one of the best herbs you can grow indoors because it doesn’t need much to sprout.
The soil must have a neutral PH, moist and drain well. Basil needs at least 6 hours of sunlight every day. Ensure that you place the pot in a well light and bright area.
During watering, avoid soaking up the soil. Only do so when you notice it’s dry. Only water the soil itself and not the leaves. And when it’s time to pick the leaves, ensure you start from top to bottom. The top leaves are the most grown which gives the bottom leaves a chance to keep growing.
Oregano is one of those herbs that is very popular with Mexican dishes. The fresh leaves are a great addition to food making your taste buds explode with flavor.
Like most other indoor herbs, oregano requires a sufficient amount of sunlight, good soil, and proper watering.
When using pots to plant oregano, only cover the roots with soil and leave the stems exposed. Covering them will lead to rot and lack of proper growth. Place on a windowsill or a brightly lit area. Allow the herb to absorb sunlight for 6-8 hours.
Only water when the soil is dry to touch. Watering too much will rot the herb. Insufficient watering will dry out the leaves.
When picking, pinch out a stem and strip the leaves.
5. Parsley
The beautiful green color parsley exudes is perfect for garnishing, salads, sauces, soups and meat dishes.
Parsley requires 6-8 hours of sunlight to grow well. Place it on window where there is direct sunlight. Always rotate the pot every few days to allow the sunlight to hit all parts of the plant.
If you chose to plant parsley in a pot, ensure the pot has good drainage. Place a saucer beneath to avoid creating a mess in your kitchen.
The soil must be well-drained and moist by regular watering.
When plucking, be careful not to use a lot of force as you will pull out the entire plant. Pinch the stems gently holding the rest of the plant down with your hand.
6. Mint

The menthol-like flavor of mint makes it a refreshing herb in beverages and dishes. Mint is among the kitchen window herbs you can grow easily either in a garden or in pots.
To grow mint indoors, you will need a well-draining pot, sunlight and good soil. The room temperature should be 65°F – 70°F and must receive sunlight for 4-6 hours a day. Always rotate the pot to prevent the plant from leaning towards the sunlight.
Ensure you water the herb only when the soil is dry to the touch. This keeps the soil moist. Every three weeks you can fertilize the soil with fish emulsion to strengthen the growth of the mint.
When harvesting, carefully chop of a handful of the fully grown mint leaves.
7. Chives
Chives is one of the best herbs to grow indoors because of its use in a variety of dishes. Some of these include potato dishes, salads and sandwiches.
Chives require 6-8 hours of sunlight to grow whether in a pot or garden. The pot must be near a window and must be rotated to distribute sunlight uniformly.
The chives must be watered when the soil is dry to touch. The soil and pot must be well draining to ensure a good amount of moisture is retained.
Chives grow in only two weeks and you can harvest for use in your dishes.
Which herbs are you going to be growing today?